School calendar 2024-2025
Term 1
School re-opens: Thursday 29th of August Senior Infants to Sixth Class
School re-opens for Junior Infants on Friday 30th of August at 10am
Mid-term Break: Monday 28th of October to Friday 1st November inclusive
Christmas Holidays: Closing Friday 20th December at 12 noon.
Term 2
School re-opens: Monday 6th January, 2025.
St.Brigid’s Day- Bank Holiday Monday 3rd February
Mid-term Break: Thursday 20th & Friday 21st February
St. Patrick’s Day Bank holiday Monday 17th March.
Easter Holidays: Closing Friday 11th April at 12 noon.
Term 3
School re-opens: Monday 28th April 2025
Bank Holiday: Monday 5th of May
School Midterm Break: Monday June 2nd to Friday June 6th inclusive
Summer Holidays: Closing Friday 27th of June at 12 noon.
Staff Meeting in Term 1, Term 2 & Term 3 - to be confirmed, parents will receive advance notice.
Confirmation Day- Date to be confirmed by the Bishop
First Holy Communion- Date to be confirmed by Parish Priest
We may also have in-school planning days but as yet we have no dates.
Please retain this calendar for reference during the year